2025 Contest Information
Contest Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025
The contest is fully ONLINE and is FREE!
The 2025 Math Contest was a great success!!! Thanks to everyone who participated and to all who helped make it happen! Some details are below...
- 170 schools were represented from 21 states (USA) and 10 countries! 792 students took 1475 exams, and 207 students participated in The SmackDown. Check out our 2025 Contest Map!
- Tentative Contest Day Results
Results are pending verification of enrollment eligibility and scores; the process usually takes 1-2 weeks. - Special congratulations to the top five students, who will each receive an additional $100 in addition to the gift cards they earned from their performance in individual exams.
Kevin Hu, Clements High School
Shafin Ula, Dulles High School
Zayn Aslam, Aitchison College
Arnav Vunnam, Novi Meadows
Bryan Fu, Flower Mound High School - School Sweepstakes Winners:
1. Clements High School, sponsored by Ricardo Garcia
2. Elkins High School, sponsored by William Corrington
3. Aitchison College (Pakistan), sponsored by Intizar Hussain
- After results are verified, we begin the process of ordering gift cards and School Sweepstakes trophies through our math business department. This can take a number of weeks. We will contact winning students and teachers via email to keep them posted on the status of the prizes and school trophies.
- Contest scores will be emailed to students within approximately two weeks of the contest date. At that time, teachers will also be able to view students' scores within the teacher's contest account. We will email teachers and students when this data is ready.
- We will provide certificates of participation to all students who took part in the contest via email, likely within 2 weeks of the contest.
- ZOOM ROOM LINK FOR CONTEST DAY! The Zoom Room is used to interface with the organizers between 8:00 a.m. and Noon Central Time, to view or participate in the SmackDown at 12:15 p.m., and to view the awards ceremony at 2:00 p.m.
- Contest Schedule
- Contest-day exam links are now available! Log in at https://casa.uh.edu, click on the Courses tab, and then on the course related to your contest exam. The link can be found at the top of each course homepage. (Number Sense is an exception; you reach that exam through the Online Assignments tab instead.) For all exams except Number Sense and SmackDown, you must refresh your contest link at least once within the five minutes before the contest or you will miss your exam.
- You MUST read the Exam Instructions which contain important information about each exam. Much of this information will NOT be presented during the timed contest day exam.
Select the Registration Info link at the left side of the page for detailed registration instructions.
Check out our contest demonstration video and practice contest to learn how our contest autopresenter works for all exams except for Number Sense and SmackDown. We made some improvements to the practice contest so that the format is more compact; with the answer selection boxes immediately to the left of each question. The demonstration video shows the answer choices below the question (older format), but the overall instructions and process otherwise remain the same.
Click on the links below and at the left to learn more about the contest.
Informational Letter2025 Contest Format
Contest Prizes
Contest Enrollment Rules
Calculator Policy
Exam Content Information
The Contest Point System
The Smackdown (Exciting Elimination Round). Also check out a recording of our 2024 SmackDown, courtesy of first-place winner Eric Li of Elkins High School!